Monday, August 22, 2011

UNESCO World Heritage

As many of your probably know, I had no respect left for the United Nations in any of its functions. On the whole, I find the UN to be a bloated, corrupt, expensive, and ultimately ineffective organization that wastes billions of dollars; more often than not, it creates more problems than it solves.

Recently, however, I have had a slight change of heart towards at least one small subdivision of the UN. The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization provides an excellent service to the world and our community, The World Heritage Convention. Currently 936 sites are included on UNESCO’s world heritage list.

These places are a combination of natural and artificial constructions that have cultural and historic importance. UNESCO provides international recognition of a site, and often funding to help preserve and maintain the site. Over my travels I have encountered numerous world heritage sites. In some poor and undeveloped countries, these places may have been lost without the UN’s support.

So, here’s to you, UNESCO. Keep up the good work.

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