Friday, December 4, 2009

Japan - Train System

            Allow me to give praise to the Japanese train system. The train system is broken into three parts: the local subway, the JR (Japan Rail), and the Shinkensen (I may have spelled this incorrectly) or bullet trains. The subway system is extremely efficient, and runs on time at all points. It is connected to the JR and the Shinkensen at some stops. The JR works as both the subway and as a local train connecting different cities. The Shinkensen goes from city to city at an incredible speed.


            All of the trains run on time, and run quickly. I was able to purchase tickets for any of the trains I wished to take as little as twenty minutes beforehand for the Shinkensen and as I wanted to board for the JR and subway. My only complaint would be the cost, which was only slightly higher than in the US (generally two or three dollars anywhere within the city for the subway, 10-15 dollars to another city on the JR, and  much more of the Shinkensen, think of it as the equivalent of flying). As I said, a much better system than anything I’ve encountered so far, although China’s subway system is fairly comparable without the JR and Shinkensen.


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